If you are looking for the online company that will strongly help you with your academic writing task without any setbacks and for an affordable price, Fix My Thesis is precisely what you need. We are aware that one of the fundamental affairs you may have is confidentiality of our Company. To guarantee your concerns and benefits are not violated, we welcome you to read our simple and not so lengthy privacy policy. We may obtain some of your personal information. Still, any information you bestow on us is private and not available to third parties, under any circumstances.During the ordering process, you are expected to provide the following knowledge:

  1. Full name
  2. Country
  3. E-mail
  4. Phone number


There are numerous reasons why we collect personal specifications from our clients, particularly:

  • To enhance our services
  • To learn your demands
  • To perform transactions
  • To contact You

Why do we require this information? Maybe you ask. First, we need information regarding your browser and processor system (collected automatically) to facilitate easy usage of our site. Second, we require your contact particulars for delivery of our finished products, to convey communications from the writer, and to explain assignment details. Your telephone number is required to help reach you quickly. This data does not partake with third parties whatsoever. Even our writers cannot gain access to your payment particulars or name.

It is entirely safe to present an order at fixmythesis.com because our online payment system is blended with secure methods of online money transfer. We do not affiliate any project or service out of our website, guaranteeing the highest security of your individual information as well as payment information. Hence, you can be assured that neither your classmates, lecturers or even your friends will know that you purchased writing services from fixmythesis.com.


If you have further proposals regarding our privacy policy, or you would like to offer recommendations on how to improve our service for our clients, you can contact us at [email protected]. We welcome ll your thoughts and ideas, and we are eager to explain our policies to our customers. Feel at ease when using our custom writing services.

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